Kawasaki is a little known disease which causes huge, lasting problems. Whether you wish to donate, raise awareness or even book one of our avalable venues to rasie moeny for the casue, you can find all you are looking for on this page.
How to help Kawasaki Disease UK

Our work helps to sustain our awareness of a little known, complex heart disease which begins disguised as a general infection, and is the leading cause of coronary heart disease in children and to prevent complications in adult life.
Together we can save more hearts!
Affordable Office Spaces and Event Venues are available for booking. Kitchen facilities and the outside parking area are included for some space bookings. From spacious event spaces to luxurious business meeting rooms, book a room here and help a worthy cause.

Supporters like you will change our future for the better. Gifts in wills allow us to
do so much more and change many lives for the better… for generations to come.
“Imagine if every time you posted on social media, you helped raise money for Kawasaki Disease UK. GoPoolit is a new social media platform that makes that a reality! Here’s how:
Step 1 : Download GoPoolit App and Sign up
Or Simply Sign up at https://www.gopoolit.com
Step 2 : Post and Nominate Kawasaki Disease UK
Post any video / photo like what you normally would on other social networks.
Nominate Kawasaki Fund to receive between 1-10 cents from other followers
around the world.
More Posts you put up, More money you can help raise to Kawasaki Disease UK
to Save more Hearts!
Step 3 : Pool to the Post you like!
If you want, you can put a little bit of money into your wallet too. You can Pool
as little as 1p on a post you like to show your support to different charities and
take part in the fun.
Supporters like you will change our future for the better. Gifts in wills allow us to do so much more and change many lives for the better… for generations to come.
You can Make a Will Online for Free
Make a Will Online will help you to make a solicitor checked will simply and securely. Just go to www.makeawillonline.co.uk/kawasakifund and follow the instructions. If you want any help or support you can access the chat or helplines any time you need.
See a solicitor…
If you are in the following categories you should consider seeing a solicitor face to face:
A complicated or high value estate above the inheritance tax threshold
If you are very poorly, on strong medication or have concerns around capacity;
Or you simply would rather speak with a solicitor face to face.
You can use the Solicitors Regulation Authority website to find a solicitor
Make sure our details are all entered correctly on your will: Kawasaki Fund our charity number: 1064518, and our registered address: Max Factor House, Watermans Park, High Street, Brentford TW8 0BB.
Your data
If you make a will online above we’ll automatically find out when a will is made and the type and amount of gifts you have pledged. You can also choose to share your name. Sometimes we understand supporters want to keep information completely confidential. You can use the following to make an online will. Thank you so much for your support!