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Subscribe to Give 50p per month

Would you like to help other parents and children that are going through KD? Or help us with our research? A small donation of 50p a month really does help.

We appreciate your interest in supporting our efforts to help for this rare but serious illness that primarily affects children.

Kawasaki Disease is the leading cause of heart attacks in adults under 30

KD is the leading cause of Heart Disease globally, and causes irreversible damage to the heart if left undiagnosed. Our mission is for children with Kawasaki Disease to be treated within 4-5 days to put a stop to damage to the heart, reduce mortality rates and save lives.

Choose your pricing plan

  • 50p Helps Hearts

    Every month
    Prevent irreversible heart damage and heart disease
    • Cancel Anytime.
  • £1 per month Subscription

    Every month
    donate £1 towards KD research and awareness every month
    • Cancel anytime
  • £2 per month Subscription

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  • £5 per month subscription

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    • £20 per month Subscription

      Every month

      You can also choose to make a once off donation






      What we do with the Funds

      You may be interested in knowing exactly how your donations are used. Let's be transparent!


      1. Research: One of our primary goals is to accelerate the diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease (KD), develop new treatments, and compile updated research files for GPs and the public.

      2. Awareness: We print and distribute flyers in hospitals, clinics, and schools to raise awareness about KD.

      3. Support for Parents: We assist parents in need with medical bills, ensuring their children receive the necessary care.

      4. Staff and Operations: Our dedicated team supports parents, gathers the latest information, updates our website and social media, and shares new developments with the public.


      Thank you for considering a donation to Kawasaki Disease UK.


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