Symptoms of Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki Disease mostly strikes children under the age of five presenting itself with at least three of six symptoms. This disease can cause serious damage to the heart leading to heart attack if left untreated. Kawasaki Disease is now known to be the leading cause of coronary heart disease in children that affects adult life. It is also suspected to be the primary cause of death by unexplained heart failure in children and young adults. Such cases are on the increase and are believed to be partly hereditary, which poses a 10% chance of being passed onto offspring.
If you suspect your child suffers from Kawasaki Disease, request your GP to order an ultrasound test.
If your child has 3 or more of the above symptoms for more than 4 days, ask the doctor for a heart scan by a paediatric cardiologist!
How you can help
Enable us to fund new research
Funding will be used for research, helping parents in need, and raising awareness by printing brochures.
Undiagnosed Kawasaki Disease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children.

Parent Guide
For further details about the following, consult our Parent Guide:
What is Kawasaki Disease?
What causes Kawasaki Disease?
What are the signs and symptoms of Kawasaki Disease?
How does a doctor determine if a child has Kawasaki Disease?
What is Kawasaki Disease treatment?
What are the consequences of the disease is not properly treated?
Are there any complications associated with Kawasaki Disease?
What can I expect once my child comes home from the hospital?
Can my child contract this disease again in the future?
Can Kawasaki Disease be prevented?
Nadia's Story
To have been misdiagnosed before damage to my coronary arteries took place due to Kawasaki Disease, infants like me who develop KD at an age younger than 1 are usually the most seriously ill and at greatest risk of long-term heart problems. I was only seven months old. My condition was escalating at speed, and my parents were told that I had a common flu virus which could be cleared with antibiotics. My parents realized something was wrong when no recovery became evident. On our fourth visit to the pediatricians, it was then that a South African nurse happened to recognize the classic symptoms of Kawasaki Disease having seen it in his home country. I was treated with immunoglobulin also called gamma globulin, a blood product containing antibodies, along with aspirin for two years.

Join the Support Groups
UK Support Group: www.kssg.org.uk
Helpline Email: helpline@kssg.org.uk
National Help Line: 02476 612178

The Hunt to Understand COVID-19's
Connection to Kawasaki Disease
"Unusual numbers of children and teenagers living in COVID-19 hotspots like Lombardy, Italy and New York City have developed an inflammatory condition (officially called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, or MIS-C) that looks a lot like Kawasaki disease. In many cases, the children have also tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, suggesting the syndrome followed a viral infection.
Dr. Jane C. Burns has studied Kawasaki disease for four decades. Burns says it’s possible that SARS-CoV-2 affects Kawasaki-prone children differently, depending on their unique genetic blueprints. Some could clear a SARS-CoV-2 infection without any inflammatory response. Others could go on to develop Kawasaki-like illness, while still others might exhibit an inflammatory response slightly different than Kawasaki disease.
Nevertheless, parents should not wait to seek medical attention if they see any symptoms of Kawasaki disease in their children, Burns says. With prompt treatment, most children should recover well, she says."
Source: Time Magazine
MAY 27, 2020 8:00 AM EDT
Donations help families
Covid-19 is appearing as a trigger to a kawasaki-like syndrome that is causing toxic shock & cardiac arrest in children. Now named as PIMS disorder (paediatric inflammatory multi organ syndrome) over 40 children seen with the condition that presents itself in its severity affecting all the organs compared to classic kawasaki disease. Kawasaki Disease is a genetic predisposition triggered when the child comes into contact with an agent causing inflammation & irreversible damage to the heart if not diagnosed within 4 days.
Other Survivor's Stories
Last year, William’s family struggled to have him diagnosed in Hull hospital within the critical five day window and he
was discharged without a heart scan. Following a call from their GP provided important guidance from KD UK where they
were connected with our UK KD specialist Prof. Levine at Imperial college.
Additionally, baby Caleb’s family found financial support from a Kawasaki Disease UK campaign at Christmas time
that helped them through difficulties they were facing, having to give up work to care for their sick child.
The founder, Dee Izmail, of registered charity Kawasaki Fund and the more recent brand, Kawasaki Disease UK, has been
campaigning for more than a quarter of a century to help families have their children diagnosed on time after her own
daughter suffered two aneurysms due to lack of GP knowledge.
Today, she’s planning seminars where KD specialists would educate GP’S and parents about this syndrome that has
become the biggest acquired heart disease in children and adults.
To read more stories of people who have survived KD click the botton below.

Winners of the 2024 - Non profit Organisation Awards - Children's Vasculitis Charity of the Year 2024 - UK
The team at Kawasaki Disease UK is delighted to receive this award from Acquisition International!
Thank you to all who voted.
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